Root Canal Therapy: Protecting the Tooth from Future Infection

Root Canal Austin, TX

Thinking you need to undergo a root canal to save one of your teeth? A general dentist is the type of dental professional who typically performs this type of oral surgery often. The fact that root canal therapy is necessary to save an infected tooth makes it a good idea for patients to learn more about the process.

About root canal therapy

Since teeth are not solid and instead are made up of layers, it is possible for the pulp inside of the tooth to become infected. The reason for the infection is due to bacteria entering the inside of a tooth, as bacteria can enter a tooth via a cavity, a chip or a crack in the tooth. Root canals are performed in order to remove this infection, which in turn allows the tooth to once again be healthy.

How to prevent future infection problems

The last thing someone wants to experience is another tooth infection, as this requires them to undergo additional dental treatment. The list below includes three ways a previously treated tooth can potentially become infected once again.

The dental crown is not properly protecting the tooth

Dental crowns are commonly used after someone undergoes root canal therapy. Once a tooth has undergone a root canal, it is necessary to use a restoration option in order to make the tooth strong so it can remain in the mouth, e.g., crowns, inlays, onlays. If the placement of the crown was not done correctly or was delayed for a long amount of time, it increases one’s chances of experiencing reinfection of the tooth.

The first infection was not completely removed

While it can sometimes be difficult to completely remove an infection in a tooth, it is essential for the entire infection to be removed or otherwise the tooth can become reinfected. There are a few different ways a tooth can become infected again, that missed nerve tissue being one of the more common. It is also important for dental patients to be sure to take their prescribed antibiotics exactly as directed, as this helps to ensure that the infection is completely gone.

All of the canals were not addressed

It is crucial that all of the root canals in an affected tooth are thoroughly cleaned and properly prepared for restoration treatment. An additional reason for a tooth’s canals to potentially become infected again includes that the canal was not filed down wide enough or long enough, as it is essential for the canals to be a certain size. The size of the canals is important because if the disinfectant solution applied to the canals does not reach all of the areas it is supposed to, reinfection can occur.

General dentists save teeth

General dentists are very versatile in their services, making them a dental professional who is considered to be a primary dentist. When a general dentist determines that one of their patients has one or more infected teeth, the next step is performing a root canal to save the teeth. Since precautions are put in place after the therapy is over, this helps to minimize the chances of a future infection in that tooth.

Request an appointment here: or call Austin Lakes Dentistry: Scott T Gordon DDS at (512) 377-9799 for an appointment in our Austin office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Root Canal in Austin, TX.


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