The Results Are In – Teeth Whitening Can Improve Your Life

Teeth WhiteningTeeth whitening has been used to improve people's chances in life for generations. For as long as one can remember, whitening teeth has been a way to improve a smile, get more confidence, and even get certain advantages in life. The question that has often been raised, with all the effort and money being spent to whiten teeth is, are there really advantages to having whiter teeth or is it all just good marketing? The answer may be surprising for some people though we were not surprised at all. A recent study found that, for men, there is a very distinct advantage to having whiter teeth. Over 71% of women surveyed said that they judged a man by his teeth and smile, preferring a man with whiter brighter teeth and a confident smile. From a career perspective the data found that more people, 58%, are likely to land a dream job if they have whiter teeth, and 53% are more likely to be offered a promotion or salary increase for the same reason.

Statistically teeth whitening may improve your chances of getting ahead in life, but at the same time you need to make sure you are taking some steps to keep your teeth white after we have whitened them. Regardless of whether you come in to have your teeth whitening done by us, professionally, or if you chose to go the over the counter method, you do need to make sure you take steps so that the process is not quickly reversed. Teeth whitening is not forever. After a while, teeth will start to get stained again which means after some time you may need to have the process repeated. There are some things you can do, and avoid, to make sure that the teeth whitening lasts a longer time.

If you want to make sure that you do not have to engage in teeth whitening procedures every six months, you will need to reduce the amount of high staining food in your diet. Any food that has a lot of color like soy sauce, marinara sauce, or even blueberries can stain your teeth. Smoking and chewing tobacco are among the worst culprits for damaging the work of whitening your teeth. Energy drinks can also have the same effect.  With energy drinks, there is the added danger of decay since the sweetness in energy drinks can cause decay similar to candy. Tea and coffee, which are high in caffeine, will stain your teeth very quickly when consumed in large quantities.

Other than avoiding these kinds of foods, you can also help to maintain the longevity of your white teeth by making it a habit to rinse your teeth after you have consumed any kind of product with the ability to stain your teeth. If you do rinse your mouth immediately after most meals, you will greatly reduce the opportunity for products to stain your teeth. Also, one simple tip for keeping your teeth white is to ensure that you are always using a fresh toothbrush, one changed out every six months, to maintain your oral health routine.

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