Learn About Our Cavity Treatment for Kids in Austin

Cavity TreatmentIf you are looking for a great pediatric dentist who will provide exceptional cavity treatment for kids in Austin, look no further. Not only have we been treating children's dental problems for many years, but our gentle and friendly attitude helps make the entire experience comfortable, non-threatening, and pain-free. This ensures that children, regardless of age, will build a more positive relationship with dentists and with the idea of seeking dental care in the future.

A lifetime of healthy teeth and gums and a beautiful smile depends on professional cavity treatment for kids.

Why Children’s Cavities Need to Be Treated

All too often, parents are under the impression that because baby teeth are going to fall out anyway, cavities do not need treatment. However, even infants need dental care. Baby teeth exist for several reasons other than the obvious ones of being necessary to chew with or enable your child to speak clearly. Another very important function is that the baby teeth save space in the mouth for the proper development of adult or permanent teeth that will begin to come in as young children grow into adolescence, around the age of seven or eight. However, note that molars do not fall out until children are around 12-years-old.

If a primary tooth is lost too early, other teeth can move into the open space, which will not only make it very difficult for the permanent teeth to come in straight but is very likely to lead to complex orthodontic treatment in the future. It is far simpler and much easier to try and save the baby tooth in the first place. However, if we cannot save the baby tooth, additional work in the form of a space maintainer may be necessary to save room for the permanent tooth.

How Cavities Are Caused

Without proper cleaning, food debris, particularly sugar and carbohydrates, form a visible, pale yellow, sticky film of bacteria both on the surface and between the teeth. This plaque is the primary cause of tooth decay because it produces acids that eat into the enamel of the tooth. The enamel is the hard, protective outer shell of the tooth. As the enamel erodes, the bacteria reach and infect the softer inner layer of the tooth, which begins to rot. As the infection progresses, the pain can become quite severe.

The Importance of Treating Cavities Early

Once decay starts, it very rarely stops, but only gets larger and deeper in a fairly short space of time. In fact, it is not unknown for a small cavity to deteriorate to the point that the bacteria has infected the pulp in the very center of the tooth. Either all or a portion of the pulp will need to be removed because if left untreated, the infected pulp can damage the permanent tooth lying below. In other cases, a crown may be necessary or we will have to extract the entire tooth while possibly using a space maintainer.

It is, again, much easier, simpler, and less traumatic to fill in a small cavity.

The problem is that children's teeth often look good on the surface, but X-rays can reveal the presence of one or more cavities, usually on or between the molars.Thus, this is why regular dental check-ups are a crucial part of your child's oral health.

We understand that having several cavities filled can be stressful for both the child and the parents. The success of our cavity treatment for kids is based on the fact that we have the training, experience, and facility to treat your child successfully. At the same time, we can keep them as comfortable as possible. Our goal is to establish an exceptional oral care routine that will last a lifetime to lead to strong, healthy teeth and beautiful smiles.

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